Courses – Level-4S

New Degree StructureOld Degree Structure

Course units effective from academic year 2019/2020 to date

CSC401S3: Advanced Algorithms
Course Code: CSC401S3
Course Title: Advanced Algorithms
Credit Value: 03
Hourly Breakdown: Theory Practical Independent Learning
45 105
Objectives: Provide in-depth knowledge for designing efficient algorithms using appropriate data structures and a variety of advanced computational techniques.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
  • Perform algorithm analysis using appropriate techniques
  • Apply algorithms for solving problems of various complexity
  • Identify suitable data structure(s) for efficient problem solving
  • Formulate a real world problem into a model solvable by standard algorithmic approaches
  • Defend NP-Hard & NP-Complete problems
  • Analysis of algorithms: Order of growth and asymptotic notation, master method, amortised analysis
  • Algorithms for sorting and order statistics: Standard sorting algorithms, sorting in linear time, medians, order statistics
  • Advanced data structures: Hash table, binary heap, binary search tree, red-black tree, augmenting data structures, B-trees, Fibonacci heaps, utilising data structures for problem solving.
  • Dynamic programming: Elements of dynamic programming (optimal substructure, overlapping sub-problems, memoization), application of dynamic programming approach for problem solving
  • Greedy algorithms: Elements of Greedy strategy (optimal substructure, overlapping sub-problems, Greedy strategy), comparison of dynamic programming and Greedy approach, application of Greedy approach for problem solving
  • P, NP, NP-Hard and NP-Completeness: Introduction to class of problems, NP-completeness (Cook’s theorem), classic NP-complete problems, reduction techniques
Teaching/Learning Methods: Lectures, Tutorial discussion, e-based teaching, Open Educational Resources, Assignments, Guided learning
Assessment Strategy:
  • In-course Assessments —————————————-30%
  • End-of-course Examination ———————————-70%
  • Tardos, J. K. E., Algorithm Design, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education, 2011.
  • Sedgewick, R., Algorithms, 4th Ed., Addison-Wesley Professional, 2011.
  • Thomas, H. Cormen, T. Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., and Stein, C., Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Ed., MIT Press, 2009.
CSC402S3: Compiler Design
Course Code: CSC402S3
Course Title: Compiler Design
Credit Value: 03
Hourly Breakdown: Theory Practical Independent Learning
45 105
Objectives: Provide in-depth knowledge of compiler components and principles involved in compiler design.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
  • Discuss the functionalities of a compiler
  • Represent a specified language using nondeterministic and deterministic finite automata
  • Analyse the syntax of a language using top-down and bottom-up parsing approaches
  • Discuss implementation techniques for a compiler
  • Design algorithmic routines for type checking and code generation
  • Introduction: Compilers, Interpreters, and phases of compilation process
  • Lexical Analysis: Regular expressions and their properties, converting regular expressions to Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA), Converting NFA to Deterministic finite automata (DFA), Eliminating dead states and minimising DFA
  • Syntax Analysis: Context-free grammars, Syntax trees, Ambiguity in Grammar, Operator precedence, eliminating left-recursion, Left-factorisation, Top-down parsing methods, Bottom-up parsing methods, Resolving conflicts in parsing tables
  • Scope and Symbol Tables: Dealing with scopes of identifiers, Efficient implementations of symbol tables
  • Type Checking: The design space of types, Attributes, Type checking procedures
  • Code Generation: Syntax Directed Translations, Intermediate-Code Generation, Machine-Code Generation
Teaching/Learning Methods: Lectures, Tutorial discussion, e-based teaching-learning, Open Educational Resources, Assignments, Guided Learning
Assessment Strategy:
  • In-course Assessments —————————————30%
  • End-of-course Examination ———————————-70%
  • Mogensen, T. E., Introduction to Compiler Design, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2017.
  • Lam, M. S., Sethi, R., and Aho, A. V., Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education, 2013.
  • Galles, D., Modern Compiler Design, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education, 2009.
CSC403S3: Data Science
Course Code: CSC403S3
Course Title: Data Science
Credit Value: 03
Hourly Breakdown: Theory Practical Independent Learning
30 30 90
Objectives: Provide theoretical and practical knowledge on data science for solving data-driven problems and improving research skills in data science.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
  • Discuss fundamental concepts of linear algebra in relation to data science
  • Analyse data-driven problems using probability and statistics
  • Apply mathematical optimization techniques for solving data-driven problems
  • Build neural networks using backpropagation algorithm
  • Transform data-driven problems into computer programs
  • Analyse data through visualization
  • Linear algebra: Overview of scalars, vectors, matrices, tensors, multiplication of matrices and vectors, norms, trace, rank, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors
  • Probability and statistics: Overview of probability, marginal and conditional probabilities, independence and conditional independence, probability density functions, expectation, variance and covariance, and Bayes rule; Bayesian classifier, principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA).
  • Information theory: Entropy, cross-entropy, KL divergence, mutual information
  • Multivariate calculus and mathematical optimization for parameter estimation: partial derivatives, chain rule, gradient based optimization (Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent), Jacobian and Hessian matrices, constrained optimization, neural networks and back propagation algorithm.
  • Applications: Eigen faces, LDA based classification, Linear Regression, Least square minimization
  • Emerging Technologies in Big Data Analytics: Usage of Open source frameworks (e.g. Hadoop).
Teaching/Learning Methods: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratory experiments, e-based teaching-learning, take home exercises, Simulations, Use of Open Educational Resources, Guided Learning
Assessment Strategy:
  • In-course Assessments —————————————30%
  • End-of-course Examination ———————————-70%
  • Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y. and Courville, A., Deep Learning, 1st Ed, MIT Press, 2016.
  • Bishop, C.M., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, 1st Ed, Springer, 2006.
  • Nielsen, M., Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Determination Press, 2019.
  • Aggarwal, C. C., Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning, 1st Ed, Springer Nature, 2020
CSC404S3: Information Systems Security
Course Code: CSC404S3
Course Title: Information Systems Security
Credit Value: 03
Hourly Breakdown: Theory Practical Independent Learning
45 105
Objectives: Provide knowledge to identify various security threats and propose suitable approaches to protecting Information Systems.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
  • Identify various security threats and attacks on Information Systems.
  • Explain security design principles.
  • Elaborate techniques for data protection on Information Systems.
  • Understand the techniques used to protect Computer Networks
  • Explain the protocols that are utilised to protect the network and application layers of the Internet.
  • Introduction: Key security concepts, Critical characteristics of Information System, Secure-System life cycle, Security Professionals and the Organization.
  • The need for security: Threats, Attacks, Secure software development.
  • Security technologies: Firewalls, Virtual private networks, Intrusion detection and prevention systems, other security tools.
  • Cryptography: Classical encryption techniques, Block ciphers, Data encryption standard, Advanced encryption standard, Public-Key cryptosystems.
  • Cryptographic data integrity algorithms: Cryptographic hash functions, Message authentication codes, Digital signatures.
  • Network security: Network access control and cloud security, Transport-level security, Wireless network security.
  • Internet security: Internet Protocol security, web security (S-HTTP), email threats and email security (S/MIME)
Teaching/Learning Methods: Lectures, e-based teaching-learning, Tutorial discussion, Assignments, Simulations, Use of Open Educational Resources, Guided Learning
Assessment Strategy:
  • In-course Assessments —————————————30%
  • End-of-course Examination ———————————-70%
  • Whitman, M. E. and Mattord, H. J., “Principles of Information Security”, 6th Ed., Cengage Learning, 2017.
  • Stallings, W., “Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice”, 4th Ed, Pearson Education Limited, 2017
  • Paar, C. and Pelzl, J., “Understanding Cryptography: A Textbook for Students and Practitioners” 1st Ed, Springer, 2014.
CSC405S3: Systems and Network Administration
Course Code: CSC405S3
Course Title: Systems and Network Administration
Credit Value: 03
Hourly Breakdown: Theory Practical Independent Learning
15 60 75
Objectives: Provide theoretical and practical knowledge required to manage and maintain hosts, network connectivity devices, and various networked servers.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
  • Administer computer systems and connectivity devices
  • Configure systems and devices for different networking scenarios
  • Design a data communication network required for a small/medium organisation
  • Demonstrate ability in network and server management
  • Implement security policies in networked systems
  • Host Management: Host hardware and maintenance, Basic commands, Files, Directories and File System, Editors, Processes, Users and group management, Package management, Automating system administration.
  • Network Design and Management: Network connectivity devices, Host network configuration, Routing and Router configuration, IP addressing, subnetting, Switch configuration, Wireless equipment, VLAN, Inter-VLAN routing,
  • Server Management: Install and manage server operating systems, Web server, e-mail server, Proxy server, DNS server, Content Servers,
  • Security Policy Implementation: Firewall configuration, IP tables, Secure remote administration, Simple Intrusion Detection Techniques, Snort.
Teaching/Learning Methods: Lectures, Practical, e-based teaching-learning, Open Educational Resources, Assignments, Online based training, Simulation, Guided Learning
Assessment Strategy:
  • In-course Assessments (Theory) —————————————20%
  • Group Project ——————————————————————-20%
  • End-of-course Examination (Practical) ——————————–60%
  • Blokdyk, G., “Computer Network Administration: A Clear and Concise Reference”, 1st Ed, 5 Star Cooks, 2019
  • Frisc, A., “Essential System Administration”, 3rd Ed, O’Reilly Media Inc., 2002.
  • Odom, W., CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide Library, 1st Ed, Cisco Press, 2019
  • Bauer, M. D., “Linux Server Security”, 2nd Edition, O’Reilly Media Inc., 2005
CSC406S6: Research Project
Course Code: CSC406S6
Course Title: Research Project
Credit Value: 06
Hourly Breakdown: Mentoring Practical Independent Learning
20 580
Objectives: Develop capability of carrying out scientific research in the computing domain for solving real world problems.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
  • Identify a hypothesis and/or a research problem
  • Formulate the detailed problem statement
  • Frame a solution with appropriate research methodology
  • Validate the proposed solution
  • Perform scientific communication
  • Defend the performed research, results and findings
  • Engage in an academic year long research project under the guidance of academic supervisor(s) with optional guidance by an external mentor
  • Develop a research proposal with adequate literature review
  • Carry out the research using appropriate research methodology
  • Document and present the research
Teaching/Learning Methods: Reading assignments in journals, Research seminars, Open Educational Resources, Documentation
Assessment Strategy:
  • Presentation of research proposal——————————————20%
  • Proposed solution and Implementation—————————————40%
  • Project Diary————————————————————–10%
  • Project report————————————————————-10%
  • Viva voce——————————————————————10%
  • Submission of abstract/poster/paper to a scientific forum——————10%
CSC407S6: Industrial Training
Course Code: CSC407S6
Course Title: Industrial Training
Credit Value: 06
Hourly Breakdown: Mentoring Practical Independent Learning
20 580
Objectives: Provide an opportunity to develop skills and attitude, and gain experience in finding IT solutions to problems in an industrial environment.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
  • Apply acquired knowledge in industrial environment
  • Develop interpersonal, communication, management and team working skills
  • Adapt to work readily in real industrial projects
  • Perceive state-of-the-art industrial technologies
  • The industrial training is offered during the second semester.
  • Students will be trained in an appropriate industry for a period of four to six months which amounts to 600 notional hours under the guidance of academic and industrial mentors.
  • Any additional stay at the industry will not carry any additional credits.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to find a placement in consultation with the department. The department may assist the student in finding a placement in an appropriate industry.
  • Students shall maintain a journal to record their progress activity during the training.
  • Academic staff will visit the training institution at least once during the training period to monitor their progress.
  • On completion of the industrial training, each student shall submit the report, journal and deliver an oral presentation.
  • Students who fail to obtain a minimum grade of D+ in industrial training may opt for a general degree in Computer Science as the training is non-repeatable.
Teaching/Learning Methods: Mentoring, Weekly recording of training diaries, Code reviews, Progress meetings, Supervised study
Assessment Strategy:
  • Training journal—————————————-20%
  • Progress as per feedback from mentor(s)—————–20%
  • Final Report——————————————–20%
  • Presentation——————————————–40%

The level-4S syllabi can be downloaded here

Course units effective from academic year 2016/2017 to 2019/2020

CSC411SC0: Research Seminar
Course Code: CSC411SC0
Course Title: Research Seminar
Academic Credits: 0 (15 Hours of Discussion and Presentations)
Objectives: To provide research experience that emphasises on creative thinking, problem-solving, analytical thinking, communication and presentation skills, scientific writing and integration of findings.
  • Demonstrate the theoretical or logical rationale of a research problem
  • Develop critical thinking by performing appropriate literature review
  • Engage in a mentor-mentee relationship
  • Practice scientific writing
  • Introduction to research and identifying a study topic: Steps in the process of research, Ethics of research and informed consent
  • Introduction to research proposal writing: Primary research question, testing this question, expected test results, implications of the research, timeline of the research
  • Introduction to literature review and formulate research questions
  • Research methodologies: Familiarizing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, Experimental designs, Evaluation and problem analysis
  • Citation formats, referencing styles and use of scientific literature digital libraries
  • Use of ICT tools for checking plagiarism and LaTeX for scientific writing
Teaching Methods: Reading assignments in journals, Small group discussions, Demonstration by instructors, Recitation oral questions.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  •  Reading and presenting of research Papers ————- 20%
  • Developing a sample research proposal —————— 50%
  • Oral presentation of the research proposal ————– 30%
Recommended Readings:
  • Zobel, J., Writing for Computer Science, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2004.
  • Materials will be provided in-class and via the course website
CSC412SC3: Artificial Intelligence
Course Code: CSC412SC3
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence
Academic Credits: 03 (45 Hours of Lectures and Tutorials)
Objectives: To provide in-depth knowledge on design and analysis of intelligent systems for solving problems that are difficult or impractical to resolve using traditional approaches.
  • Formulate an efficient Intelligent system model for a problem expressed in natural language
  • Apply appropriate uninformed, informed or local search algorithms for solving problems
  • Devise a plan of action to achieve a goal using standard AI methods
  • Demonstrate the working of natural language processing techniques


  • Introduction: Practical examples of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents, Environments, Intelligent behaviour, Rational behaviour & Turing test
  • Problem solving by Searching: Problem-Solving Agents, Uninformed Search Strategies, Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies
  • Local search and optimization algorithms: Hill climbing search, Simulated annealing, Local beam search, Genetic algorithms, searching in different environments, adversarial search
  • Planning: Classical planning, planning as state-space search
  • Learning Methodologies: Learning by Analysing Difference, by Recording Cases, by Correcting Mistakes, by Building Multiple models, by Building Identification Tree
  • Knowledge representation: Ontology engineering, Categories and objects, events
  • Natural Language Processing: Language models, Text classification, Information retrieval, Information extraction
Teaching Methods: Lecture by Lecturer, Recitation oral questions
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-course Assessments ——————- 30%
  • End-of-course Examination ————- 70%
Recommended Readings:
  • Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2010
  • George F Luger, Artificial Intelligence – Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving,
    6th Ed., Pearson & Addison Wesley, New York, London, Singapore, 2009
  • Patrick H. Winston, Artificial Intelligence, 1st Ed., Addison Wesley, New York, England, Singapore, 1993
CSC413SC3: Advanced Algorithms
Course Code: CSC413SC3
Course Title: Advanced Algorithms
Academic Credits: 03 (45 Hours of Lectures and Tutorials)
Objectives: To provide in-depth knowledge for designing efficient algorithms using appropriate data structures and a variety of advanced computational techniques.
  • Perform analysis of algorithms using appropriate techniques
  • Identify most suitable data structures for efficient problem solving
  • Transform problems in order to solve them using standard algorithmic approaches
  • Apply algorithms for solving problems of various complexity
  • Demonstrate understanding of NP-Hard & NP-Complete problems
  • Analysis of algorithms: Order of growth and asymptotic notation, master method, amortised analysis
  • Advanced data structures: Hash table, binary heap, binary search tree, red-black tree, augmenting data structures, B-trees, Fibonacci heaps
  • Sorting and order statistics: Standard sorting algorithms, sorting in linear time, medians, order statistics
  • Dynamic programming: Elements of dynamic programming – optimal substructure, overlapping sub-problems, memoization; application of dynamic programming approach for standard problems
  • Greedy approach: Elements of Greedy strategy – optimal substructure, overlapping sub-problems, Greedy strategy; comparison of dynamic programming and Greedy approach, application of Greedy approach for standard problems
  • P, NP, NP-Hard and NP-Completeness: Introduction to class of problems, NP-completeness (Cook’s theorem), classic NP-complete problems, reduction techniques
Teaching Methods: Lecture by lecturer, Recitation oral questions, Tutorial discussions by instructors
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-course Assessments ——————- 30%
  • End-of-course Examination ————- 70%
Recommended Readings:
  • Thomas H. Cormen Charles E. Leiserson Ronald L. Rivest Clifford Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Ed., MIT Press, 2009.
  • Jon Kleinberg Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education, 2011.
CSC414SC3: High Performance Computing
Course Code: CSC414SC3
Course Title: High Performance Computing
Academic Credits: 03 (45 Hours of Lectures and Tutorials)
Objectives: To provide an introduction and overview to the computational aspects of high performance computing and methods of parallel programming.
  • Discuss basics of high performance computing and their usage
  • Describe different parallel architectures, interconnection networks, programming models, and parallel algorithms for common problems
  • Assess parallel algorithms based on their complexity and scalability
  • Analyse parallel programming paradigms and their semantics and correctness issues
  • Transform problems in the computational area to efficient programming in parallel systems
  • Introduction to high performance computing: Cluster computing, Grid computing, Cloud computing, Parallel & Distributed computing, Fault tolerance, Concurrency, Nondeterminism, Locality
  • Parallel architectures: Taxonomy, Data versus Control parallelism (SIMD/Vector, Pipelines, MIMD, Multi-core, Heterogeneous), Shared versus Distributed memory, Interconnection networks for parallel computers
  • Scheduling and Analytical modeling: Cost of computation and Scalability, Model-based notions, Handling scheduling issues
  • Parallel Algorithms: Communication operations, Algorithmic paradigms (Divide and conquer, recursion, Series, parallel composition), Computation on matrices, Sorting, Graph algorithms, Search algorithms
  • Concepts of Parallel Programming: Machine model, Control statements, SPMD notions including MPI and CUDA, Semantics and correctness issues
Teaching Methods:  Lecture by lecturer, Vocabulary drills, Recitation oral questions, Practical demonstration.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-course Assessments ——————- 30%
  • End-of-course Examination ————- 70%
Recommended Readings:
  • Zbigniew J. Czech, Introduction to Parallel Computing, 1st Ed., Cambridge University Press, 2017
  • Jason Sanders,‎ Edward Kandrot, CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming, 1st Ed., Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010
  • Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, and Vipin Kumar. “Introduction to Parallel Computing”, 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2003.
CSC415SC3: Mobile Computing
Course Code: CSC415SC3
Course Title: Mobile Computing
Academic Credits: 03 (45 Hours of Lectures and Tutorials)
Objectives: To provide an in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts in mobile computing and the state of the art trends in mobile computing research.
  • Describe the fundamental concepts of mobile computing
  • Explain realistic problems in wireless communication
  • Identify latest research trends in mobile computing
  • Demonstrate knowledge in mobile development platforms
  • Overview of Wireless Networks: Wireless communication properties, wireless impairments, multiplexing in wireless communications, the need for a specialized MAC
  • Routing in Wireless networks: issues in routing for wireless networks, wireless routing protocols
  • Ad-hoc networks: mobile ad-hoc networks, sensor networks and vehicular ad-hoc networks, routing in ad-hoc networks, latest trends in ad-hoc networking
  • Mobile applications development environments: mobile platforms, development and deployment of applications
  • Common paradigms in mobile computing: low power computing, mobile computing in resource constrained environments, fault tolerance, and persistence.
Teaching Methods: Lecture by lecturer, Vocabulary drills, Recitation oral questions, Tutorial discussions by instructors
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-course Assessments ——————- 30%
  • End-of-course Examination ————- 70%
Recommended Readings:
  • Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, 2nd Ed., Addison Wesley publishers, 2004.
  • Murat Yener and Onur Dundar, “Expert Android Studio”, 1st Ed., Wrox publications, 2016.
CSC416SC6: Research Project
Course Code: CSC416SC6
Course Title: Research Project
Academic Credits: 06 (600 Notional hours of Project Development)
Prerequisite: CSC411SC0
Objectives: To develop capability of doing scientific research for solving real world problems in computing domain.
  • Identify a hypothesis and/or a research problem\
  • Formulate the detailed problem statement
  • Frame a solution with appropriate research methodology
  • Validate the proposed solution
  • Communicate details of performed research
  • Engage in an academic year long research project under the guidance of academic supervisor(s) with optional guidance by a mentor from industry
  • Develop a research proposal with adequate literature review
  • Carry out the research using appropriate research methodology
  • Document and Present the research
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • Presentation of research proposal  ——————————————- 10%
  • Implementation of proposed solution ————————————— 50%
  • Project report ——————————————————————- 20%
  • Oral presentation of project ————————————————— 10%
  • Submission of abstract/poster/paper to a scientific forum ————— 10%
CSC417SC3: Data Mining and Machine Learning
Course Code: CSC417SC3
Course Title: Data Mining and Machine Learning
Academic Credits: 03 (45 Hours of Lectures and Tutorials)
Objectives: To provide knowledge on the concepts behind various machine learning techniques and ability to use adaptive techniques for learning from data as well as data analysis and modelling
  • Describe a range of supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning algorithms
  • Perform pre-processing operations on data suitably to mine useful information
  • Identify appropriate learning paradigms for given data mining problems
  • Apply machine learning algorithms on data to identify new patterns or concepts
  • Introduction to machine learning: Machine intelligence and applications, concepts, instances, attributes and their types, and handling sparse data, missing & inaccurate values in data
  • Decision tree learning: Learning trees from training examples, Entropy and information gain, ID3 algorithm
  • Supervised learning: Rule-based learning, Naive Bayes, k-Nearest neighbour, Neural networks
  • Unsupervised learning: K-means clustering, Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), Hierarchical clustering
  • Regression and Model-fitting Techniques: Linear regression, Polynomial Fitting, Kernel Based Networks
  • Experimental setup and evaluation: Training and testing, Cross-validation, Confusion matrices and ROC graphs
  • Dimensionality reduction: PCA, Feature selection, Feature extraction, Filter methods
  • Use of Weka Tool in machine learning tasks
Teaching Methods: Use of chalkboard, Vocabulary drills, Recitation oral questions, Laboratory experiments
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-course Assessments ——————- 30%
  • End-of-course Examination ————- 70%
Recommended Readings:
  • Christopher M. Bishop, “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, 2007.
  • Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, David G. Stork, “Pattern Classification”, 2nd, Wiley, 2000.
  • Mitchell,T., “Machine Learning”,  McGraw Hill, 1997.
  • Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank, Mark A. Hall, “Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques”, 3rd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann Series, 2011.
CSC418SC3: Compiler Design
Course Code: CSC418SC3
Course Title: Compiler Design
Academic Credits: 03 (45 Hours of Lectures and Tutorials)
Objectives: To provide knowledge in components of a compiler and principles involved in compiler design.
  • Explain the functionalities of a compiler
  • Represent a specified language using nondeterministic and deterministic finite automata
  • Analyze the syntax of a language using top-down and bottom-up parsing approaches
  • Design algorithmic routines for type checking and code generation
  • Discuss memory management in compilers
  • Introduction: Compilers, Interpreters, and phases of compilation process
  • Lexical Analysis: Regular expressions and their properties, converting regular expressions to Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA), Converting NFA to Deterministic finite automata (DFA), Eliminating dead states and minimising DFA
  • Syntax Analysis: Context-free grammars, Syntax trees and ambiguity, Operator precedence, Eliminating left-recursion, Left-factorisation, Top-down parsing methods, bottom-up parsing methods, Conflicts in parsing tables
  • Scopes and Symbol Tables: Dealing with scopes of identifiers, and efficient implementations of symbol tables
  • Type Checking: The design space of types, Attributes, Type checking procedures
  • Code Generation: Syntax Directed Translations, Intermediate-Code Generation, Machine-Code Generation
  • Memory management: Runtime stack, heap, dope vectors, garbage collection
Teaching Methods: Lecture by Lecturer, Vocabulary drills, Recitation oral questions, Tutorial discussions by Instructors
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-course Assessments ——————- 30%
  • End-of-course Examination ————- 70%
Recommended Readings:
  • Torben Egidius Mogensen, Introduction to Compiler Design, 2nd, Springer, 2017.
  • Monica S. Lam, R. Sethi A. V. Aho, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education Limited, 2013.
CSC419SC3: Mathematics for Computing IV
Course Code: CSC419SC3
Course Title: Mathematics for Computing IV
Academic Credits: 03 (45 Hours of Lectures and Tutorials)
Objectives: To provide knowledge in numerical methods for solving large systems of linear equations and an understanding on underlying mathematical concepts of computer aided numerical algorithms
  • Discuss the fundamental concepts in numerical linear algebra
  • Apply the matrix factorization algorithms to solve system of linear equations
  • Examine the convergence of iterative methods for solving system of linear equations
  • Analyze the convergence of algorithms for solving Eigen value problems
  • Discuss the fundamental concepts in differential equations and the numerical methods for solving differential equations
  • Apply the numerical methods for various types of differential equations
  • Implement basic programs in computational mathematics software
  • Numerical Methods for solving system of linear equations: Linear algebra Review, Gaussian Elimination, LU factorization, Operations count, Error Analysis, Iterative algorithms
  • Eigen Value Problems: Eigen values and Singular values, Hessenberg Form, Power Methods, QR Algorithm, Inverse iteration
  • Numerical Methods for Differential Equations: Differential Equations Review, Initial Value problems, Euler Methods, Runge-Kutta methods, Finite Elements Methods.
Teaching Methods: Lectures and demonstration by Teacher, Group tutorial discussions
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-course Assessments ——————- 30%
  • End-of-course Examination ————- 70%
Recommended Readings:
  • N. Trefethen, D. Bau, Numerical Linear Algebra, SIAM, 1997.
  • R. Dormand, Numerical Methods for Differential Equations: A computational Approach, Taylor and Francis, 1996.
CSC421SC3: Systems Analysis, Design and Project Management
Course Code: CSC421SC3
Course Title: Systems Analysis, Design and Project Management
Academic Credits: 03 (45 Hours of Lectures and Tutorials)
Objectives: To provide fundamental concepts in the phases of analysis, design, development and maintenance of an information system and efficient project management.
  • Describe the principles, methods and techniques of systems development
  • Discuss principles, methods and techniques for systems development with persons without specialized knowledge in this area
  • Describe how systems analysts interact with users, management, and other information systems professionals
  • Propose a phased system development methodology to implement a systems development project for a realistic problem
  • Use a phased system development methodology to implement a systems development project
  • Systems Analysis Fundamentals: Core concepts of system analysis and design, traditional and modern approaches to system analysis, system development life cycle, roles of a systems analyst
  • Information Requirements Analysis: Interactive and unobtrusive methods for information gathering, agile modeling and prototyping
  • The Analysis Process: Data flow diagrams, analysing systems using data dictionaries, process specifications and structured decisions, designing effective input and output, designing databases
  • Project management: Project initiation and attributes, determining feasibility, asserting software and hardware needs, project stakeholders, project management tools and techniques
  • Quality Assurance and Implementation: Ensuring data quality, six sigmas, quality assurance through software engineering, implementing information system, software testing process, evaluation techniques
Teaching Methods: Lecture by lecturer, Case studies, Vocabulary drills, Construction of summaries by students
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-course Assessments ——————- 30%
  • End-of-course Examination ————- 70%
Recommended Readings:
  • Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey F. George, Joseph Valacich, Modern Systems Analysis and Design, 7th Ed.,
    Pearson, 2014.
  • Kenneth E. Kendall and Julie E. Kendall, Systems Analysis and Design, 8th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2011.
  • Kathy Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, 7th Ed., Course Technology, 2014.
CSC422SE2: Systems and Network Administration
Course Code: CSC422SE2
Course Title: Systems and Network Administration
Academic Credits: 02 (15 hours of Lectures and 30 hours of Practical)
Objectives: To provide theoretical and practical knowledge required to implement and administer network and servers in small and medium sized enterprises.
  • Design a data communication network required for a small/medium organisation
  • Configure network switches to fulfil the needs of an organisation
  • Set up a server environment consisting web, domain, mail and proxy servers in an organisation using best practices
  • Demonstrate knowledge in securing and administering servers and computer networks
  • Host administration: Basic commands, Files, Directories and File System, Editors, Processes, Users and group management, Package management, Automating system administration
  • Network design: Network cabling, Network devices, designing LANs, Preparing a Bill of Materials (BOM)
  • Network administration: Setup and Administer network devices, Host network configuration, Routing and Router configuration, Switch configuration, Wireless equipment, VLAN, Inter-VLAN routing
  • Server administration: Install and configure Web server, Email server, Domain server and Proxy server
  • Securing servers and networks: Securing networks and servers, monitoring network and servers, setting up backups, setting up firewalls, and disaster recovery
Teaching Methods: Lecture by lecturer, Use of Slides and Videos, Demonstration, Case studies
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-course Assessments —————————————–30%
  • End-of-course Practical examination ———————— 40%
  • End-of-course Theory Examination ————————– 30%
Recommended Readings:
  • Adam Haeder, Stephen Addison Schneiter, Bruno Gomes Pessanha, James Stanger, “LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell”, 3rd Ed., O’Reilly Media, 2010.
  • Christine Bresnahan, Richard Blum, “LPIC-2: Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide: Exam 201 and Exam 202”, 2nd Ed., Sybex, 2016.

Course units effective from academic year 2006/2007 to 2016/2017

Core Course Units

CSC401MC4: Advanced Algorithms
Course Code CSC401MC4
Course Title Advanced Algorithms
Academic Credits 04 (60 hours of lectures and tutorials)
  • To understand the general notion of complexity classes, P and NP, completeness and hardness, and the relationships between classes by reduction.
  • To be able to develop, and reason about the correctness and performance of algorithms.
  • Advanced data structures : B – Trees, Binomial heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, Data structures for disjoint sets. Hash tables: Direct address tables and Hash tables, Hash functions, Open addressing, Perfect hashing.
  • Matrix operations : Properties of matrices, Matrix multiplication algorithms, solving systems of linear equations.
  • Linear Programming : Standard and slack forms, Formulating problems as linear programs, Simplex algorithm, Duality, Initial basic feasible solution.
  • Number-Theoretic Algorithms : Elementary number-theoretic notions, Modular arithmetic, Solving modular linear equation, The Chinese remainder theorem, Powers of an element, The RSA public-key crypto system.
  • String Matching : The na?ve string-matching algorithms, The Rabin-Karp algorithm, String matching with finite automata, The Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.
  • Computational Geometry : Line segment properties, Determining intersection of a pair of segments, Finding the convex hull, finding the closest pair of points.
  • NP-Completeness : Polynomial time, Polynomial-time verification, NP-Completeness and reducibility, NP-completeness proofs, NP-complete problems.
  • Approximation Algorithms : The vertex cover problem, traveling-salesman problem, set-covering problem.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-Course Assessments : Two In-Course Assessments, An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation (30%)
  • End of Course examination : A written examination of two hours duration (Expected to answer three out of four questions) (70%)
CSC402MC2: Artificial Intelligence - II
Course Code CSC402MC2
Course Title Artificial Intelligence – II
Academic Credits 02 (30 hours of lectures and tutorials)
  • To study advanced topics of Artificial Intelligence.
  • To understand the basics of expert systems, Natural Language Processing and acquire knowledge for developing such systems.
  • Expert Systems : Expert system structure, design issues and sample applications, Design and development of the knowledge base and the inference engine, Expert system shells, Expert system developing tools.
  • Natural Language Processing : Stages of natural language processing, Morphological analysis, Syntactic analysis, Semantic and Pragmatic analysis, Natural language processing applications, Common-sense and Understanding.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-Course Assessments : Two In-Course Assessments, An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation (30%)
  • End of Course examination : A written examination of two hours duration (Expected to answer three out of four questions) (70%)
CSC403MC4: Numerical Linear Algebra and Solutions of Differential Equations
Course Code CSC403MC4
Course Title Numerical Linear Algebra and Solutions of Differential Equations
Academic Credits 02 (60 hours of lectures and tutorials)
  • To be able to apply a variety of numerical methods to the problems of finding solutions to large system of linear equations.
  • To be able to apply some numerical methods to find eigenvalues of large matrices.
  • To introduce the ordinary and partial differential equations.
  • To be able to derive solutions to a broad range of ordinary differential equations and to solve partial differential equations.
  • Systems of Linear Equations, Eigen value computation.
  • Ordinary Differential Equations, Initial value Problem.
  • Partial Differential Equations, Finite Difference Method, Finite Elements Method.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-Course Assessments : Two In-Course Assessments, An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation (30%)
  • End of Course examination : A written examination of two hours duration (Expected to answer three out of four questions) (70%)
CSC404MC4: Project
Course Code CSC404MC4
Course Title Project
Academic Credits 04 (minimum 200 hours)
  • To test and understand the concepts learned in other course units.
  • To design, plan and complete a computer science related project individually.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • Project Report (70%)
  • Presentation (30%)
CSC405MC3: Parallel Computing
Course Code CSC405MC3
Course Title Parallel Computing
Academic Credits 03 (45 hours of lectures and tutorials)
  • To study the fundamentals of diverse areas of parallel and high performance computing.
  • To understand the design, development, implementation and analysis of parallel algorithms.
  • To get practical experience in parallel computing environment simulated over a local network of computers using MPI.
  • Parallel models and architectures : SIMD, MIMD, shared memory and interconnection models, Hypercube multicomputers, perfect shuffle, systolic arrays. Distributed Memory Parallel Computers and Message Passing in MPI
  • Designing Parallel Algorithms: Methodical design, Partitioning, Communication, Agglomeration, Mapping.
  • Quantitative Design : Defining Performance’s approaches to Performance Modelling, Developing models, Scalability analysis, Experimental studies, Evaluating implementations, Communication cost model, Input /Output.
  • Parallel algorithms : Searching, merging, sorting, prefix sums, broadcasting, routing algorithms for numerical and optimisation problems, matrix problems (tri diagonal system, triangular and banded system), FFT, Graph algorithms.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-Course Assessments : Two In-Course Assessments, An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation (30%)
  • End of Course examination : A written examination of two hours duration (Expected to answer three out of four questions) (70%)
CSC406MC3: System Design, Analysis and Project Management
Course Code CSC406MC3
Course Title System Design, Analysis and Project Management
Academic Credits 03 (45 hours of lectures and tutorials)
  • To study a methodical approach for developing computer systems including systems planning, analysis, design, testing, implementation and software maintenance.
  • To learn the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development of information systems.
  • To find the overview of the people involved in information systems development – their roles and responsibilities, with special emphasis on the systems analyst.
  • Information systems and their characteristics.
  • Process of systems development : Underlying principles, Phases of systems development, traditional systems development life cycle, Alternative systems development approaches (model-driven, rapid application development, packaged software).
  • Project Management : Gantt charts and project reporting.
  • Systems analysis : Fact finding techniques, Documenting user requirements with Use Cases. Feasibility Analysis.
  • System Design : Object modeling using UML, Data modeling using entity relationship diagrams, Process modeling using data flow diagrams. System testing.
  • Input Output Design : Input Design considerations & tools and User Interface Design.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-Course Assessments : Two In-Course Assessments, An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation (30%)
  • End of Course examination : A written examination of two hours duration (Expected to answer three out of four questions) (70%)
CSC407MC4: Data Mining and Machine Learning
Course Code CSC407MC4
Course Title Data Mining and Machine Learning
Academic Credits 04 (60 hours of lectures and tutorials)
  • To introduce basic concepts and techniques of Data Mining and Machine learning.
  • To develop skills of using recent data mining and machine learning software for solving practical problems.
  • Introduction: Data Mining and Machine Learning, Data collection and ware house, Data cleaning and preparation for Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Representation .
  • Classification : Basic methods, Decision Trees, Rule-based methods.
  • Neural networks : Introduction to neural networks, Multilayer neural networks, Error Back-propagation algorithm, RBF networks.
  • Stochastic methods: Simulated annealing, Genetic algorithms, Genetic programming.
  • Bayesian Learning : Bayesian decision theory (Continuous features, Discrete features), Bayesian belief networks.
  • Clustering: Unsupervised Learning, K-means clustering, Unsupervised Bayesian learning, Kohonen networks.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-Course Assessments : Two In-Course Assessments, An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation (30%)
  • End of Course examination : A written examination of two hours duration (Expected to answer three out of four questions) (70%)

Elective Course Units

CSC421ME3: Compiler Design
Course Code CSC421ME3
Course Title Compiler Design
Academic Credits 03 (45 hours of lectures and tutorials)
  • To understand wide range of topics in compiler design.
  • Formal Languages : Language definition, grammers, finite state automata, regular expressions, lexical analysis.
  • Syntax analysis : BNF, context-free grammars, recognisers, parse trees, top-down parsing, recursive descent, ambiguity, left recursion, backtracking, Warshall’s algorithm, context clashes, Bottom-up parsing, operator precedence grammars, constructing precedence matrices, producing abstract syntax trees and semantic actions, symbol and type tables, syntax directed translation.
  • Storage Allocation : Run-time stack, heap, dope vectors, garbage collection
  • Code Generation : Stack machines, assembly Language, P-Code, generating code for some typical constructs, machine code generation and optimisation.
  • Error Diagnostics and recovery: Types of errors (lexical errors, syntax errors, type errors, runtime errors), detection of errors, recovery.
  • Compiler construction tools : Yacc, Lex.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-Course Assessments : Two In-Course Assessments, An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation (30%)
  • End of Course examination : A written examination of two hours duration (Expected to answer three out of four questions) (70%)
CSC422ME3: Mobile Computing
Course Code CSC422ME3
Course Title Mobile Computing
Academic Credits 03 (45 hours of lectures and tutorials)
  • To understand the fundamental concepts underlying current developments in mobile communication systems and wireless computer networks.
  • To study the current trends in mobile computing, particularly wireless LAN and blutooth.
  • Introduction to mobile computing : Wireless Communications, Wireless Networks.
  • Data link layer : Channel allocation.
  • Network layer: Mobile IP, Micro-mobility solutions to the host mobility problem, Routing in mobile Ad Hoc networks.
  • Transport layer : TCP in wireless environments.
  • Application layer: Adaptation, Disconnected/Weak-connected Operations, Mobile Applications/Services, User Interface Issues, Mobile agents, Security.
Assessment/ Evaluation Details:
  • In-Course Assessments : Two In-Course Assessments, An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation (30%)
  • End of Course examination : A written examination of two hours duration (Expected to answer three out of four questions) (70%)