This course will provide hands-on training on Python, enabling participants to learn how to solve real-world problems using the programming language.
Target Group
Anyone interested in enhancing their knowledge and hands-on skills in Python for Problem Solving, including school leavers, teachers, individuals searching for employment.
Selection Process
To enroll in this course, you will need to take our selection test, which assesses your IQ using math and logic questions. For more details, please visit the “Application Process” page.
Course Highlights
Provide essential knowledge for programming in Python from scratch with a focus on problem solving.
Course Contents:
● Introduction to Programming and Python:
Overview of Programming, Introduction to Python and its applications, Python Installation & Setup, Invoking Python: Interactive mode / Program Script running, Invoking IDLE built-in to Python.
● Data types and variables in Python:
Data types, Introducing Numbers, String, List, Tuple, Range object, Dictionary, Set and Boolean; Variables (Naming, and type casting), Input/output (Ways to input data from the keyboard and to print on screen)
● Operators in Python:
Operators on various data types, relational operators, logical operators, and assignment operators.
● Control Flow:
Sequence of statements, Conditional statements (or Selection), Repetition (for and while loops, range function, mechanism of break, continue, else clauses of loops, and pass statements), with the emphasis on Indentation for grouping statements (block statements) in if-elif-else statements, and in loops.
● Functions:
Defining functions (function name, parameter list, single line, multiline comments, documentation string), Indentation for grouping statements at various levels, returning values
● Types of Parameters:
Positional, default valued, keyword parameters. Indeterminate number of parameters
● Calling Function:
argument passing, default argument values, Keyword arguments, Arbitrary argument lists, assigning the result to a variable(s)
● Scope of Variables:
local, nonlocal, and global variables, Anonymous function: Lambda expression
● Python Collections:
More Lists, tuples, and dictionaries, and applications of them, List comprehension and Nested List comprehension, Tuples and operations on them, and stacks and queues
● Modules:
Standard Modules (installed along with Python interpreter), Ways of Importing and using them, User defined modules.
● File Handling:
Reading and writing text files, Working with CSV and JSON files
● Object Oriented Programming in Python:
Creating Classes and Objects in Python, Defining initialiser and methods, instance fields (attributes), class fields instance methods, class methods and static methods, concept of private variables, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Awarding Certificate
To receive a certificate, you must meet the following requirements:
● Maintain a minimum of 80% attendance.
● Attain a minimum of 40% marks in lab assignments and 40% marks in an end-of-course project.
Your final marks will be determined through a combination of 60% from your lab assignment marks and 40% from your end-of-course project results.
Your certificate will reflect your level of achievement as follows:
● “Distinction” for final marks of 75% or higher.
● “Merit” for final marks in the range of 55% – 74%
● “Pass” for final marks in the range of 40% – 54%
In cases where your final marks fall below 40%, you’ll receive a “Letter of Participation” as long as you meet the minimum attendance requirement.
● Application Fee – LKR 500.00
● Course Fee – LKR 13,000.00
Note: The course fee should be paid after the selection process.
Course Fee
LKR 13,000.00
Course Duration
30 Hours
(Saturdays – 01:00pm – 04:00pm)
Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna