This course will cover the basics of web development, and will focus on creating responsive websites that work on desktop and mobile devices.
Target Group
Anyone interested in enhancing their knowledge and hands-on skills in web development, including school leavers, teachers, individuals searching for employment, aspiring entrepreneurs, web developers.
Selection Process
To enroll in this course, you will need to take our selection test, which assesses your IQ using math and logic questions. For more details, please visit the “Application Process” page.
Course Highlights
Intended Learning Outcomes:
● Design websites using advanced features of Markup and Client-side scripting languages
● Explain the significance of the field of UX for consumers and businesses.
● Recommend practices that ensure legal and ethical responsibilities
● Develop web-based systems using server-side scripting language
● Make use of web-servers for hosting web applications
Course Contents:
● Trends in Web development: Overview of Web, the Internet, and Web Technologies, career opportunities.
● Advanced use of scripting languages: Client-Side Scripting for Modern Web Design: HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, and Libraries.
● Importance of UX in Business: Understanding User Experience (UX) and Its Impact on Consumer Satisfaction, User Experience (UX) Design and Best practices.
● Introduction to DBMS: Database design and development using DBMS (MySQL).
● Server-Side Scripting for Web Systems: Server-Side Scripting Languages, PHP Fundamentals, Working with Databases, Web Application Security.
● Web hosting: Introduction to Web hosting platforms, Hosting Web Applications on Web Servers, Choosing the Right Web Hosting Service for Your Web Application.
Assessment Strategy
● Lab Assignments 60%
● Project 40%
Final marks will be the sum of the marks obtained in both components.
Awarding Certificate
To receive a certificate, you must meet the following requirements:
● Maintain a minimum of 80% attendance.
● Attain a minimum of 40% marks in lab assignments and 40% marks in an end-of-course project.
Your final marks will be determined through a combination of 60% from your lab assignment marks and 40% from your end-of-course project results.
Your certificate will reflect your level of achievement as follows:
● “Distinction” for final marks of 75% or higher.
● “Merit” for final marks in the range of 55% – 74%
● “Pass” for final marks in the range of 40% – 54%
In cases where your final marks fall below 40%, you’ll receive a “Letter of Participation” as long as you meet the minimum attendance requirement.
● Application Fee – LKR 500.00
● Course Fee – LKR 13,000.00
Note: The course fee should be paid after the selection process.
Course Fee
LKR 13,000.00
Course Duration
30 Hours
(Sundays – 09:00am – 12:00pm)
Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna