Dr. K. Thabotharan contributed as one of the proposal writers for the establishment of the IoT Laboratory entitled “Enhancing Academic Activities by Establishing an IoT Laboratory” at the Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna, in which The Computer Society of Sri Lanka (CSSL), The Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) and Dialog Axiata played a major role and the DCS successfully obtained equipment for the establishment of the IoT laboratory for a total value of LKR 12 Million.
Dr. K. Sarveswaran received The German Academic Exchange Service-Sustainable Development Goals (DAAD-SDG) grant for the project “DigSAL: Addressing the Digital Divide for South Asian Languages,” in collaboration with the University of Konstanz, Germany, the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and the University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan, 2024-2027.
Dr. E.Y.A. Charles as the Primary Applicant for the “Clean Water Initiative: Empowering Communities in Polonnaruwa”, received a grant of USD 9600 under the IEEE Tech4Good Grant, July 2024 – January 2025.
Dr. K. Sarveswaran received the Google Research Grant to build a Sri Lankan Tamil Corpus, 2024-2025.
Dr. (Ms.) R. Nirthika as the Principal Proposal Writer for the IEEE R10 WIE – DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) Grant received an amount of USD 400 from IEEE in 2024.
Dr. K. Sarveswaran has been awarded a grant in April 2024 for the work related to “Developing a Sri Lankan Tamil Corpus” through the Research Scholar Programme. This grant worth USD 35,000.00 will be helpful to develop applications using Sri Lankan Tamil language qualities.
Dr. K. Sarveswaran is part of a team comprising members from the University of Konstanz, Germany, the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and the University of Engineering Technology, Pakistan, which secured a grant in April 2024 for the project titled ‘DigSAL: Addressing the Digital Divide for South Asian Languages.’ This grant enables the recruitment of research students dedicated to advancing language technology research and supports the mobilization of project staff to Germany and Pakistan for various project-related workshops and meetings.
Prof. A. Ramanan, in collaboration with Prof. Saman Halgamuge, Dr. Rashindrie Divanka Perera, and Dr. Tamasha Malepathirana from the University of Melbourne, successfully co-authored a competitive research grant proposal. As a result, they secured a USD 24,000 grant from Google Research to implement exploreCSR, providing undergraduate computing students with a rich research experience. The grant is officially available from October 2023 to November 2024.
Dr. K. Sarveswaran as the Principal Investigator of “Tamil intent classification for the e-commerce domain” received a research grant worth of LKR 400,000 from the UBL of the University of Jaffna, 2023.
Mr. S. Suthakar as the Principal Investigator of “Strengthening Software Development Infrastructure for Commercialising Software Solutions” received a research grant worth of LKR 840,000.00 under the grant No: RDC/AHEAD/RA3/JFN/UBL /CA/23 from the UBL of the University of Jaffna, 2023.
Dr. K. Thabotharan as the Principal Investigator of “Agriculture Product Management System” received a research grant worth of LKR 350,000.00 under the grant No. AHEAD/RA3/UBL/JFN/OVAA/27 from the UBL of the University of Jaffna, 2023.
Prof. A. Ramanan as the Principal Investigator of “Sri Lankan Paddy Leaf Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques” received a research grant worth of LKR 510,000.00 under the grant No. AHEAD/RA3/UBL/JFN/OVAA/44 from the UBL of the University of Jaffna, 2023.
Prof. A. Ramanan as the Principal Proposal Writer for the 2023 IEEE CIS Summer School on Computational Intelligence:Theory and Applications, received USD 3,900.00 from the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society for the event conducted at the University of Jaffna from 12-14 July 2023.
Dr. (Mrs.) B. Mayurathan as the Principal Proposal Writer for the “Workshop on Empowering Women in IoT Technologies” secured LKR 120,000 under the IEEE WIE special fund in 2022.
Prof. M. Siyamalan as the Principal Investigator received a research grant under the URG from the University of Jaffna in 2021.
Dr. K. Sarveswaran received the Professor V K Samaranayake Publication grant from LK Domain Registry, Sri Lanka to publish a paper at the International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), Singapore. December 11- 13, 2021
Ms. Samantha Tharani Jeyakumar (Lecturer in Computer Science) was awarded a student participation grant to the 46th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks for her paper titled as “Graph based Visualisation Techniques for Analysis of Blockchain Transactions” virtually hosted in Edmonton, Canada in October 2021.
Dr. K. Sarveswaran received the DAAD funding of EUR 30,000 with Professor G. Dias and Professor Miriam Butt to organise an International Summer School in Natural Language Engineering (www.issale.lk) from 11-23 March, 2019.
Dr. A. Ramanan and Mr. K. Sarveswaran being as co-investigators with the principal investigator Prof. S.N. Surendran have received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Sri Lanka to carry out research on the Development of a Mobile-based Dengue Monitoring and Warning System, under the grant No. RPHS/2016/D 02. [2017-2019]
Dr. A. Ramanan received a research grant from the National Research Council (NRC) Sri Lanka to carry out research on Training Images vs Discriminative Features on the Construction of Codebook to Recognise Visual Objects, under the grant No. NRC 15-128. [2015-2017]
Dr. (Mrs.) B. Mayurathan as the Principal Investigator received a research grant to purchase a workstation under the URG at the University of Jaffna for the project titled “Large-scale Learning for Image Classification” in 2015.
Dr. E.Y.A. Charles, Dr. S. Mahesan, and Dr. A. Ramanan have received a grant from the Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka to carry out collaborative research with the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC) on “Tamil Digitisation Project”, under the grant No. ICTA/AFC/HIP/28/02. [2013-2014]
Ms. Barathy, G. received a grant from the Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century (HETC) Project implemented at the University of Jaffna to continue her PhD programme at the University of Southampton, UK. [2012 – 2013]
Dr. A. Ramanan received a grant from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No 216529, PinView Project, to undertake a research on “Object Recognition with Eye movement features”. [June – August 2010]
Mr. A. Ramanan received a grant from the School of Electronics, University of Southampton to continue his PhD programme at the University of Southampton, UK. [2008 – 2009]
Mr. A. Ramanan received a grant from the University of Sheffield to pursue an MPhil/PhD programme at the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK. [2006 – 2007]
Mr. A. Ramanan received a grant through the World Bank funded IRQUE Project at the University of Jaffna, to pursue a PhD programme at the University of Sheffield and thereafter at the University of Southampton, UK [2006 – 2009]
Mr. K. Thabotharan received a grant through the Swedish International Development and Corporation Agency (SIDA) Project implemented at the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC), Sri Lanka, to pursue a split-site PhD programme at the UCSC, Sri Lanka and Uppsala University, Sweden. [2004 – 2010]
Mr. M. Sabesan received a grant through the Swedish International Development and Corporation Agency (SIDA) Project implemented at the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC), Sri Lanka, to pursue a split-site PhD programme at the UCSC, Sri Lanka and Uppsala University, Sweden. [2004 – 2010]
Mr. S. Suthakar received a grant through the Swedish International Development and Corporation Agency (SIDA) Project implemented at the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC), Sri Lanka, to pursue a split-site PhD programme at the UCSC, Sri Lanka and Uppsala University, Sweden. [2004 – 2010]
Mr. E. Y. A. Charles received a grant from Manufacturing Engineering Centre (MEC), Cardiff University, to pursue a PhD programme at the Cardiff University, UK. [2003 – 2007]
Dr. S. Mahesan was awarded a Research Fellowship by the Commonwealth to work as visiting research fellow for a year at the Cardiff University, Wales, UK. [1999]