Dr. (Mrs). B. Mayurathan
- Senior Lecturer Gr.I
- B.Sc. [Hons] (Jaffna), Ph.D (Peradeniya)
- barathym@univ.jfn.ac.lk
- +94212218194
Research Interests:
Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Academic Profile
Admin Roles
Academic Profile
Dr. (Mrs). Barathy Mayurathan
- Ph.D in Computer Science (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
- B.Sc. Special in Computer Science, First Class (Jaffna, Sri Lanka)
Resource Person
- Induction Programme for the Probationary Lecturers which was conducted by the Staff Development Centre of the University of Jaffna, 2021.
Institutional Development to UoJ and other HEIs
- Drafted syllabi for CSC106S3, CSC201S2, CSC209S3, and CSC306S3 for the BSc degree programme in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna. Academic Year 2017/2018
- Drafted syllabi for CSC118SC2, CSC233SC2, CSC247SE2, CSC316SC3 and CSC416SC6 for the BSc (Computer Science) degree programme, University of Jaffna. Academic Year 2015/2016
- Drafted Curriculum for CSC305 and CSC404 for BSc Degree in Computer Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Academic Year 2015/2016
- Drafted syllabus for AITC21013 for Bachelor of Arts degree ICT as a subject, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna, Academic Year 2015/2016.
Reviewer for International Conferences
- Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 2023
- 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC), 2023
- International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE), 2022
- 14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2019
- International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA2019), University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
- IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10 HTC), 2018
- IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAFS), 2016
Track Chair / Session Chair at International Conferences
- Programme Chair at the Google exploreCSR Summer School on Machine Intelligence, Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna, 14-16 June 2024.
- General Chair of the Sri Lanka Student Workshop on Computer Science (SL-SWCS), Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna, 9th December 2023.
- Session Chair at the technical session on Research Conference on Advances of Information and Communication Technology (RCAICT2022), Oct 04, 2022.
- Track Chair for Computing and Processing, 10th Chapter of IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (IEEE ICIAfS), Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC), Padukka 10500, Sri Lanka, 11 – 13 August 2021.
- Finance Chair of the Sri Lanka Student Workshop on Computer Science (SL-SWCS), Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna, from 2011 to 2021
Attended Conferences and workshops
- Attended the Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE) at the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, December 18 -19, 2014.
- Attended the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA) summer school at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom, July 08 – 12, 2013.
- Attended the 23rd IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP’13) in Southampton, United Kingdom, September 18-20 2013.
- Attended the 4th PAVIS School on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Image Processing in Sestri Levante (GÈ), ITALY, September 22-25 2013.
- Sixth IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 16 – 19 August 2011, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Sixth SLIIT Research Symposium, 27 January 2011, Malabe, Sri Lanka.
- 2010 ICIAfS Post Conference Workshop on ICT for Sustainability, 21 & 22 December 2010, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Attended a workshop on “Joomla Open Source Software” organized by The National Science Library & Resource Center, National Science (NSF) Foundation on 23 – 25th September 2009 at NSF.
Admin Roles
- Department of Computer Science, October 2023 to date.
- IEEE WIE Student Branch Affinity Group, University of Jaffna, June 2021 to January 2024
- Editorial Committee for the Faculty Newsletter and Student Handbook, August 2023 to date.
- Web and IT committee, Faculty of Science – 2020 to August 2023
- Publicity Committee, Vingnanam International Research Conference (VIRC) – 2018.
- Student Counsellor, Faculty of Science, March 2021 to February 2022
- Academic Counsellor, Faculty of Science, 2017 to 2020
- Branch Counsellor, IEEE Student Branch, University of Jaffna, September 2018 – September 2020.
- Strategic Management Committee for the Faculty of Science, Since August 2023
- Editorial Committee for the Faculty Newsletter and Student Handbook, Since August 2023.
- Editorial Board, Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE) – 2016.
- Board of the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna
- Faculty-level Representative of the Sports Advisory Board, University of Jaffna – 2019.
- IEEE since 2018
- Assistant Secretary of the Jaffna University Science Teachers Association (JUSTA) – 2016.
- Senior Treasurer of the IEEE Student Branch – University of Jaffna (January 2023 to January 2024)
- Sri Lanka Student Workshop on Computer Science (SL-SWCS), Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna – 2011, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021.
- CS-Career Fair, Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna – 2017,2018, 2019
Research Grants
- University Research Grant 2015
- Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century (HETC) Project implemented at the University of Jaffna to pursue PhD degree programme at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and University of Southampton, UK [2012]
- Thayani, G. and Mayurathan, B.: “Road Accident Severity Prediction based on Contributing Factors using Deep Learning Techniques”, Journal of Information Systems & InformationTechnology (JISIT), Vol. 8 No.1, pp. 39-50, 2023.
- Mayurathan, B.: “User authentication using EEG signal”, Journal of Information Systems & InformationTechnology (JISIT), Vol. 8 No.1, pp. 15-24, 2023.
- Theevika, A. and Mayurathan, B.: “The Effect of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Approaches for Brain Tumor Recognition”, 10th IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), Negombo, Sri Lanka, 11-13 August 2021. [Accepted]
- Bandara, D., Mayurathan, B.: “Detection and Classification of Rice Plant Diseases using Image Processing Techniques ”, International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC – 2021), Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, pp. 29-33, 23 – 24 February 2021.
- Manewa, R. M. A. H. and Mayurathan, B.: “Emotion Recognition and Discrimination of Facial Expressions using Convolutional Neural Networks.,” IEEE 8th R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/R10-HTC49770.2020.9357008.
- Pasindu R. and Mayurathan B.: “Reconstructing an image from its spatial and geometrical Information”, In Proceedings of the 7th Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna, 22 January 2020.
- Kishotha, S. and Mayurathan, B.: “Machine Learning Approach to Improve Flower Classification Using Multiple Feature Set”, In IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, pp. 141-145, doi: 10.1109/ICIIS47346.2019.
9063349, 18-20 December 2019.
- Bamini, T. and Mayurathan, B.: “Silhouette Image Classification Using Bag of Local Features”, In IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICIAFS.2018.8913372, 21-22 December, 2018.
- Samaraweera, S. A. A. H. and Mayurathan, B.: “The Effect of Physical Based Features for Recognition of Recaptured Images”, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 8, No 6, December 2016.
- Samaraweera, S. A. A. H. and Mayurathan, B.: “Recognition of Recaptured Images Using Physical Based Features”, The Second International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSTY 2016), Chennai, India, November 26~27, 2016.
- Mayurathan, B.: “Efficient and Compact Codebook Design for Scene Analysis and Object Localisation”, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Doctoral Thesis, 134pp, January 2015.
- Mayurathan, B., Pinidiyaarachchi, U.A. J. and Niranjan, M.: Compact Codebook Design for Visual Scene Recognition by Sequential Input Space Carving, BMVA Summer School, July 08 – 12, 2013
- Mayurathan, B., Pinidiyaarachchi, U.A. J. and Niranjan, M.: Compact Codebook Design For Visual Scene Recognition By Sequential Input Space Carving, IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/MLSP.2013.6661992, September, 2013
- Mayurathan, B., Ramanan, A., Mahesan, S., and Pinidiyaarachchi, U.A.J.: Speeded- up and Compact Visual Codebook for Object Recognition, International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 31-50, 2013.
- Ganesharajah, B.,: Object Localisation Using Local Image Features, Sri Lanka Student Workshop on Computer Science (SL-SWCS), 8 December 2011.
- Ganesharajah, B., Mahesan, S. and Pinidiyaarachchi, U.A.J.,: Evaluation of Robust Invariant Descriptors for Visual Object Recognition, In proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS’11), pp. 158-163, 16-19 August, 2011.
- Ganesharajah, B., Mahesan, S. and Pinidiyaarachchi, U.A.J.,: Content Based Image Retrieval: An overview of structure of the image and image database, In proceedings of the Sixth Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) Research Symposium, Malabe, Sri Lanka, Volume No 4, pp. 30- 35, January 27, 2011.
- Augmented Reality, ComSpective the ICT Technical Magazine by the Department of Computing and Information Systems, Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka, Vol-1, No-2, January 2022
Undergraduate Teaching
- CSC106S3: Human Computer Interaction (2019 to date)
- CSC201S2 / CSC201G2: Database Systems Concepts and Design (2016 to date)
- CSC311MC3 / CSC316SC3: Advanced Database Design and Systems (2017 to date)
- CSC209S3: Bioinformatics (2018 to date)
- CSC418SC3 / CSC418MC3: Compiler Design (2018 to date)
- CSC118SC2: Human Computer Interaction (2015 – 2018)
- CSC202GC2 / CSC233SC2 / CSC233GC2: Database Management Systems (2014-2018)
- CSC221GE2: Numerical Computing (2009-2010, 2014-2016)
- CSC323GE2: Bioinformatics Computing (2015)
- CSC237GE2 / CSC243SE2: Numerical Methods(2017)
- CSC204GC2: Practical Computing – II (shared with Others colleagues) (2014-2016)
- CSC301MC3: Advanced Database Design and Systems (2014-2016)
- CSC305MC3: Practical Computing 3M (shared with Others colleagues) (2014-2016)
- CSC304GC2: Practical Computing – III (shared with Others colleagues) (2014-2016)
- CSC303MC4: Data Communication and Computer Networks (2009)
- CSC202GC2: Database Management Systems (2009)
Inter-faculty Teaching
- AITC 11012, First year Arts Students with ICT as a subject, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna, 2013/2014 & 2014/2015.
- AITC21013, Second year Arts Students with ICT as a subject, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna, 2014/2015.
- APS403XM2, B.Sc in Applied Science Degree Programme, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna, 2013/2014 & 2014/2015.
- COM BTM 31033, IT Project Management, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna, 2014/2015
Teaching to other HEIs
- TICT3123: Advanced Database Management Systems, Department of Information and Communication Technology under Faculty of Technological Studies, University of Vavuniya, 2019/2020
- TICT4162: Bioinformatics, Department of Information and Communication Technology under Faculty of Technological Studies, University of Vavuniya, 2019/2020
- CSS 01, CSS 52, Final year Computer Science Students, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2015 & 2016.