Dr. K. Sarveswaran
- Senior Lecturer Gr.I
B.Sc. [Hons] (Peradeniya),
M.Sc. (Moratuwa),
Ph.D. (Moratuwa), CLP - sarves@univ.jfn.ac.lk
- +94212218194
Research Interests:
Natural Language Processing / Computational Linguistics (NLP/CL), e-Learning, ICT4D
Academic Profile
Admin Roles
Academic Profile
Dr. Kengatharaiyer Sarveswaran
- Ph.D. in Computer Science (Moratuwa, Sri Lanka) [2022]
- M.Sc. in Computer Science (Moratuwa, Sri Lanka) [2011]
- B.Sc. [Hons] in Computer Science (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka) [2006]
Resource person
- 2022: Using web effectively for knowledge gathering for probationary staff – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2022: ICT Tools for Knowledge and Creative content sharing for Sri Lankan Education Administrative Service officials – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2016: Workshop on LMS for the staff of Faculty of Science – organised by the Eastern University of Sri Lanka
- 2016: Introduction to eLearning and Learning Management System(LMS) for probationary staff -organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2016: Advanced Usage of LMS for probationary staff -organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2015: Workshop on LMS for ELT staff – organised by the Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna
- 2015: LMS workshop for the academic staff – organised by the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna
- 2015: Collaboration through Internet tools for Computer Application Assistants – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2015: A session on Introduction to eLearning and Learning Management System (LMS) for probationary staff – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2015: A session on accessing LMS accounts for online submission of assignments for probationary staff – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2014: Workshop on Website Management for Academic and CAA staff – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2014: Workshop on Open Source Applications for academic staff – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2014: Workshop on LMS for online Teaching/Learning & Assessment for academic staff – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2014: Two days workshop on ICT based assessments and evaluations for biological stream staff – organised by the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna
- 2014: Training on Virtual Learning for staff of Department of Management – organised by the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
- 2014: Setting up a server for Moodle for the biological stream technical staff – organised by the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna
- 2014: Setting up a Moodle for the biological stream academic and technical staff – organised by the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna
- 2014: Introduction to eLearning and Learning Management System for probationary staff – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2014: Developing a quiz on ICT for Computer Unit Staff – organised by the Computer Unit, University of Jaffna
- 2013: Training workshop for staff on ICT based methods for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment for the staff of biological stream – organised by the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna
- 2013: Training for academic staff to produce e-resources and conducting ICT based assessments and examination – organised by the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna
- 2013: Introduction to Learning Management System for the probationary staff – organised by the Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna
- 2013: Curriculum workshop on LMS for the academic staff – organised by the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna
- 2013: Advanced topics on LMS
- 2010: Web Development using PHP/MySQL for the Academic Staff of APIIT.lk.
Admin Roles
- President of the Jaffna Science Association – (2024 – 2025)
- President-elect of the Jaffna Science Association – (2023 – 2024)
- Chairperson: Applied Sciences section(B) of the Jaffna Science Association – (2022 – 2023)
- Chairman: Technical Evaluation Committee for the HETC/QIG Project Implemented at the University. (2012 – 2015 December)
- President: Science Teachers’ Common Room (STCR) – A welfare initiative under the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna (2013 – June 2014)
- Subcommittee on Revamping curriculum for Bachelor Honours in Science and Education degree programme (2022 – Present)
- Faculty coordinator for the Well-Being Centre (WeBe) (2022 – Present)
- Activity Coordinator for Enhancing Learning Resources and Learner Support Services – Improving Relevance & Quality of External Degree Programme (UDG-EDP) under the HETC Project (2013 – 2015).
- Student Counsellor – Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna, 2022 – 2023.
- Counsellor: IEEE Student Branch – University of Jaffna, January 2023 to Present.
- Advisor: IEEE CIS Student branch chapter – University of Jaffna, March 2022 to January 2023.
- Local Language Working Group
- IEEE Senior Member
- Board of the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna. (2014 October to date)
- Technical Evaluation Committee for the HETC/EDP Project Implemented at the University. (2012 – 2015 December)
Scholarly Work
- Chief Editor: Proceeding of Jaffna Science Association – 2012, Volume 19 – No. 02. ISSN 1800 – 1300
- Chief Editor: Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association – 2013, Volume 20 – No. 01. ISSN 1800 – 1300
- Chief Editor: Pirayoga Vignana Sudar – 2013: A volume of 14 scientific essays written by university academics and leading professionals in respective fields.
- Editor: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Parsing and its Applications for Indian Languages (PAIL) – 2021
- “The Challenges of Processing South Asian Languages” – Talk at the 34th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) to be held from 29 July – 9 August 2024 in Leuven, Belgium (together with Tafseer Ahmed).
- “Building Tamil Treebanks” – keynote address at the International Conference on Tamil Computing and Information Technology to be held at the University of Texas at Dallas, USA, on June 14-16, 2024.
- “AI for Science and Society” – A presidential address at 30th Annual Scientific Sessions, Jaffna Science Association, 28 – 30 June 2024
- “An overview of Natural Language Processing” – A Keynote address at the IEEE Summer School in Computational Intelligence, Sri Lanka held from 12-14 July 2023
- “Tamil Language Computing: the Present and the Future” A chairperson address at the 29th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, 29-31 March 2023.
- “Tamil morphology” A talk at the Research Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz, Germany. October, 2019.
Invited Talk/lecture
- ‘Incubation: Intersection of Academia and Entrepreneurship’ at FiTEN Sacramento 2023 and 36th Annual FeTNA Convention, Sacramento, California on June 30, 2023
- ‘Developing Syntactic Parsers for Tamil’ at an online special lecture series organised by Tamil Mozhiyiyal Sangam, India on March 27, 2021.
- Talk on Linguistic Resources and Tools at Linguistics: Language and Computation organised by the Department of English, University of Colombo on 29 of July, 2019.
- Developing deep syntactic parsers for Tamil, Tamil Mozhiyiyal Sangam – online special lecture series – 2021
- Introduction to Computational Linguistics, Computational Linguistic Seminar, organised by the Department of Linguistics and English Language, University of Jaffna – 2021
- ThamizhiUDp: A dependency parser for Tamil, 17th International Conference on Natural Language Processing – 2020
- DDSpell – A Data Driven Spell Checker and Suggestion Generator for the Tamil Language, 19th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions 2019
- Computational challenges with Tamil Complex Predicates, International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference, Australian National University, Canberra. 9 July 2019
- Recognising Elders using Behavioural Biometrics, Kelaniya International Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology – 2017
- Consumer buying pattern analysis using an efficient approach, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Engineering & Technology – 2016
- Infant Caretaker: A system to identify baby cry and entertain crying baby, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Engineering & Technology – 2016
- அறிவுருவாக்கப் பண்பாட்டுத் தளத்தில் தமிழ் இணையம், தமிழ் விழா – பொன்விழா, திருமறைக் கலாமன்றம் – 2015
- Teaching – Learning and National Examination at the Northern Education Review Symposium which was organized by Ministry of Education, Northern Province 23-24 April 2014
- Hierarchical tag set for rule-based processing of Tamil language, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches – 2014
- தமிழ் கணினி – செய்ய வேண்டியவை, உலகத் தமிழ் இலக்கிய மாநாடு – 2012
- கணினியில் தமிழ், சர்வதேச தமிழ் எழுத்தாளர் மாநாடு – 2011
- Localising Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), Jaffna Science Association – 2010
Reviewer (Indexed Journals)
- National Science Foundation Journal, Sri Lanka (2023)
- Natural Language Engineering by Cambridge University Press. 2023
- Language Sciences by Elsevier – 2022
- Language Resources and Evaluation by Springer – 2022
- The ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP) – 2021
Reviewer (NLP/CL Conferences)
Visiting Researcher/Fellow
- Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz, Germany – September- November, 2019
- Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz, Germany – April – August, 2018
Conducted/Organized Workshop
- The 26th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference (online) | July 13-16, 2021 | https://typo.uni-konstanz.de/
lfg2021/ - Workshop on Parsing and its Applications for Indian Languages (PAIL2021), co-located with ICON2021. | December 16, 2021 |https://sites.google.com/
view/pail2021 - International Workshop on Tamil Treebank Annotation (WTTA2021). | April 8-10, 2021 | https://sites.google.com/view/
tamiltreebank/ - Workshop on incorporating ICT components into curriculum for staff of Computer Unit on 18/11/17
- Conducted a training workshop for staff of External Degree Programme Unit on computerizing of administrative works on 2th of November 2015 through HETC/UDG/EDP funding.
- Conducted a training workshop on ICT usage for computer application assistants on a topic ‘Collaboration through Internet tools’ on 14th of July 2015.
- Conducted a session on Introduction to e-Learning at the Induction Programme for Staff which was organized by Staff Development Centre on 20/12/2014.
- 2 Days workshop on Setting up Moodle for Academic staff of Biological Science from 17th to 18th of October 2014 at the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna.
- Three days workshop on producing e-resources and conducting ICT based assessments and examinations for staff of biological science on 27/11/13 and 29-30/11/2013.
- Crash course on ICT for Teaching – Learning process for academic staff on 26th of November 2013 that was organized by the Staff Development Centre of University of Jaffna.
- Organized a workshop of Mobile Application Development using HTML-5 on 11/8/2013
- Workshop on building websites for Staff of Mathematics and Statistics of Faculty of Science on 15/06/2013
- Conducted a workshop on e-Thakshalawa Learning Content Management System which was organized by the Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka.
- Director, Serve Foundation (Guarantee) Ltd since 2017.
- Member of Organizing committee of Startupweekend – Vanni that was held at the faculty of engineering on 16-18, December 2016 supported by Techstars and Google for Entrepreneurs.
- A member of project proposal drafting team of HETC/QIG for physical science of Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna.
- Member of Organizing Committee of INET-2015 that was organized by the Internet Society – Sri Lankan chapter on 9/6/2015
- Executive Committee member of Rural Development Society of Nallur South (J/108) since 2015 (NSE/2011/413310/NP)
- Chairman/TEC for e-Portfolio for HETC/QIG/Agriculture in 2014
- Member Steering Committee and Coordinator “Teaching – Learning and National Examinations” of Northern Education System Review project, Ministry of Education, Northern Province. August, 2013 – April, 2014.
- Board member of e-Learning Institute which promoted e-Learning for secondary education from 2013-2016
- Member of TEC for purchasing books & CD/DVD for HETC/QIG/BIOSCI 2013
- Chair, Programme Committee, Internet Society Sri Lankan Chapter, 2012
- Mozilla Representative – Sri Lanka (ReMo) 2011-To date.
- Organizing Committee Member : INET-Colombo – 2011.
- Committer of Mozilla, Joomla! and Moodle, 2008-To date.
- Localization team Leader, Intel Skoool Content Localization and Intel Skoool Healthcare Content Localization (1Mx15), 2011.
- IPv6 working group – University of Moratuwa, 2011.
- Executive Council member – Tamil Heritage Foundation, 2008 – 2011.
- Executive Council member – Internet Society, Sri Lankan Chapter, 2011.
- Organizing Committee Member : Conference on Localized Systems and Applications – 2010.
- Organizing Committee Member : 2010 ICIAfS Post Conference Workshop on ICT for Sustainability – 2010.
- Organizer : Led the Jaffna Tamil website development competition – 2010 for LAKapps and LK Domain Registry, 2010.
- Associate member – The Institute of Localization Professional, 2009/2010.
- Member of IEEE and ACM, 2009-2011.
- Chair: IDN Work Group – International Forum for Information Technology in Tamil, 2009.
- Organizing Committee Member : Simposium on Localized Systems and Applications – 2009.
- Organizer : Certified Localization Profession Program, (2009/2010).
- GC Member – International Forum for Information Technology in Tamil. 2008-2009.
- Student Member, Google Summer of Code-2008, 2008.
- TEC member, ICTA, Sri Lanka. 2008.
- Local Language Computing trainer : Have conducted more than 100 seminars and hands-on workshop on Local Language Computing to University Lecturers, School teachers, students and general public, 2007-2011.
- Localization lead : Led the Tamil Localizations for LAKapps, University of Moratuwa, 2007-2011.
Creative Work (Websites / Book covers / Posters)
- Designed invitation, Cover of the proceeding and certificate designs for the JUICE 2014
- Development websites for General Convocation 2012 and General Convocation for 2013 as per request of convocation committee.
- Took departmental photograph and handbook (2012/13) cover page photograph of Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna
- Developed websites for Staff Development Centre (2013-2016), Department of Zoology, Botany and Zoology (2012 – 2016).
- Developed a website for the department of computer science in 2012 together with Dr. A.Ramanan
Attended Conferences and workshops
- INET – Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2015. [Participant/Organizer]
- Asia Pacific Chapter Leaders’ workshop, Internet Society, 2015.
- Content Development for Open and Distance Learning (3 Days), Batticoloa, 2015.
- International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA) – 2014. [Presenter]
- Open and Distance Learning workshop (3 Days), Colombo. 2014.
- International Summer School in Advanced Language Engineering, Kathmandu University, Sri Lanka, Sept 1 – Sept 26, 2014.
- JUICE 2014 – Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE-2012), Jaffna, 18-19 July 2014. [Participant/Organizer]
- Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, July 4-5, 2014. [Participant]
- Sri Lanka Student Workshop on Computer Science, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. 2013. [Participant/Organizer]
- International Summer School in Advanced Language Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal, Aug 26 – Sept 21, 2012.
- Summer School in Advanced Language Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal, Aug 26 – Sept 21, 2012.
- IPV6 Training, IFS, Kandy, 28-29 July 2012.
- JUICE 2012 – Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE-2012), Jaffna, 20-21 July 2012.
- Workshop on Training of Trainers: ICT in Higher Education for Academic Staff, 26-27 May 2012, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Workshop on Research needs for the software industry, Virtusa Auditorium, Orion City, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 4 April 2012.
- INET – Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2011.
- IPv6 workshop, Conducted by APNIC, Sri Lanka, 2011.
- Conference on Localized Systems and Applications, Centre of Excellence in Localized Applications, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2010.
- International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, Sri Lanka, 2010.
- DNS/DNSSEC workshop, Conducted by NRC, Sri Lanka, 2010.
- Tutor-Mentor workshop, Conducted by DEPP, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka, 2010.
- 20th LK conference and workshops, Organized by LK Domain Registry, 2010.
- ICIAfS 2010 Post Conference Workshop on ICT for Sustainability, University of Jaffna. Sri Lanka, 2010.
- Certified Localization Professional Workshops, Centre of Excellence in
- Localized Applications, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2010.
- Symposium on Localized Systems and Applications, Centre of Excellence in Localized Applications, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2009.
- Certified Localization Professional Workshops, Centre of Excellence in
- Localized Applications, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2009.
- Tamil Internet Conference, University of Cologne, Germany, 2009.
- e-Asia 2009: Asia’s Premier ICT Event, BMICH, Sri Lanka, 2009.
- International Information Technology Conference, BMICH, Sri Lanka, 2008.
- Engineering Research Unit – Symposium, University of Moratuwa, 2007.
- 10th World Tamil cultural conference, University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2007.
Undergraduate Teaching
- CSC405M3/CSC405S3: Systems and Network Administration (2019/20, 2020/21)
- CSC303S2/CSC303G2: Data Communication and Computer Networks (2020/2021)
- CSC403X2 – Computer System Administration (2019/20, 2020/21)
- CSC109S2: Introduction to Computer Security and Cryptography (2019/20, 2020/21)
- CSC113SC2: Introduction to Computer Security and Cryptography (2014/15, 2015/16)
- CSC105GC2: Computer Networks and Internet Computing (2011/12)
- CSC104GC2: Practical Computing – I (2011/12,2012/13)
- CSC202GC2: Database Management Systems (2010/11,2011/12,2012/13)
- CSC203SC3: Cryptography and Data Security (2011/12,2012/13,2013/14)
- CSC203GC2: Software Engineering (2011/12,2012/13,2013/14)
- CSC204SC3: e-Technology (2010/11,2011/12)
- CSC204GC2: Practical Computing – II (2010/11,2011/12,2012/13,2013/14)
- CSC301GC2/CSC305GC2: Rapid Application Development (2010/11,2011/12,2012/13,2013/14)
- CSC304GC2/CSC306GC2: Practical Computing – III (2010/11,2011/12,2012/13,2013/14)
Inter-faculty Teaching
- BTM31053 – Networking and Web Designing in Business for 3rd year students of Bachelor of Technology Management Students of Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce. 2013/14. 2015.
- ICT Skills, MBA degree programme, University of Jaffna. 2015.
- Web Designing and Computer Networking for Business, Department of Commerce, University of Jaffna. 2015
- e-Commerce, Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus. 2015.
Teaching to other HEIs
- ICT Skills, Open University of Sri Lanka. Jan, 2014 – March, 2014.
- Server Management, Final year general degree Programme, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2013-2014.
- Server Management and Computer Networks, Final year general degree Programme, Department of Computer Science, Trincomalee Campus of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2012-2013.
- Linux Server administration, WinSYS Networks, Colombo 2, 2010.
- Web Development, Advanced Technological Insitute, Kurunagar, Jaffna, 2011.
- Computer Networks, Online BIT degree programme, University of Moratuwa, 2010-2011.
- Computer Networks, Online BIT degree programme, University of Moratuwa, 2007-2011.
International teaching
- Course on Challenges for NLP from South Asian Languages for MA in Speech and Language Processing at the University of Konstanz, Germany (October 2023)
- Sarveswaran, K., Tamil Language Computing: the Present and the Future, In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association, March 29-31, 2023
- Abirami, A. M., Leong, W. Q., Rengarajan, H., Anitha, D., Suganya, R., Singh, H., Sarveswaran, K., Tjhi, W. C., & Shah, R. R. (2024). Aalamaram: A large-scale linguistically annotated treebank for the Tamil language. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Indian Language Data Resource and Evaluation (WILDRE), Turin, Italy, 25 May 2024.
- Sarveswaran, K. (2024). Morphology and syntax of the Tamil language. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.08367.
- Ehsan, T., Tehseen, A., Sarveswaran, K., & Ali, A. (2023, September). AlphaBrains@ DravidianLangTech: Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tamil and Tulu by Training Contextualized ELMo Word Representations. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages (pp. 152-159).
- Leong, W. Q., Ngui, J. G., Susanto, Y., Rengarajan, H., Sarveswaran, K., & Tjhi, W. C. (2023). BHASA: A Holistic Southeast Asian Linguistic and Cultural Evaluation Suite for Large Language Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.06085.
- Liyanage, C., Sarveswaran, K., Nadungodage, T., & Pushpananda, R. (2023, March). Sinhala Dependency Treebank (STB). In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW, GURT/SyntaxFest 2023) (pp. 17-26).
- Sarveswaran, K. & Mahesan, S. (2023, January). Codification of Navalar’s Tamil Grammar. In Proceedings of the first International Conference on Social Sciences and Languages (ICSSL 2023) (291-295).
- Parameswari K. and Sarveswaran K..: “Towards Building a Modern Written Tamil Treebank”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT, SyntaxFest 2021), Sofia, March 21-25, 2022. ACL. [Accepted]
- Sarveswaran, K. and Dias, G., “Building a Part of Speech tagger for the Tamil Language,” 2021 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), December 2021, pp. 286-291, doi: 10.1109/IALP54817.2021.9675195.
- Dineskumar M., Anankan R., Sarveswaran K., and Dias G.: “Neural-based Tamil Grammar Error Detection” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing and its Applications for Indian Languages – 2021 (PAIL 2021), Online, December 16, 2021. ACL.
- Sarveswaran, K., Dias, G. & Butt, M. ThamizhiMorph: A morphological parser for the Tamil language. Machine Translation 35, 37–70 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/
- Keerthana, U., Kirshika, K., Senthaalan, T., Sarveswaran, K. and Dias, G.; DDSpell – A Data Driven Spell Checker and Suggestion Generator for the Tamil Language, In IEEE International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 3-4 September 2019. [Accepted]
- Sarveswaran, K., Dias, G. and Butt, M.: “Using Meta-Morph Rules to develop Morphological Analysers: A case study concerning Tamil”, 14th International Conference on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing,Dresden, Germany, September 23–25, 2019. [Accepted]
- Sarveswaran, K. and Miriam Butt: “Computational Challenges with Tamil Complex Predicates”, In the 24th International Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) Conference, Canberra, Australia, 8-10 July 2019. [Accepted & Presented]
- Sarveswaran, K., Dias, G. and Butt, M.: “ThamizhiFST: A Morphological Analyser and Generator for Tamil Verbs,” 3rd International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR), pp. 1-6, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2018. [Accepted and Presented]
- Indrajith, K., Naseer, M. and Sarveswaran, K: “SATS: A Computer Aided Translation Engine”, The Third International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanaka. p.92, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 21 November, 2017.
- Preethiraj, R and Sarveswaran, K.: “Recognising Elders using Behavioural Biometrics”, In Proceedings of the Kelaniya International Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology, p.39, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 28 July, 2017.
- Nifras, M.I. and Sarveswaran, K.: “Consumer buying pattern analysis using an efficient approach”, In IEEE International Conference on Engineering & Technology (ICETECH), pp. 567-570, Coimbatore, India, 17-18 March 2016.
- Biruntha, G. and Sarveswaran, K.: “Infant caretaker: A system to identify baby cry and entertain crying baby”, In IEEE International Conference on Engineering & Technology (ICETECH), pp. 576-579, Coimbatore, India, 17-18 March 2016.
- Achchuthan, Y. and Sarveswaran, K.: “Language Localisation of Tamil using Statistical Machine Translation”, In proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), pp. 125-129, BMICH, Sri Lanka, 24-26 August 2015. [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7377677]
- Jananie, S. and Sarveswaran, K.: “Contextual Spell Checking for Tamil Language”, In proceedings of the 14th Tamil Internet Conference, pp. 379-383, Singapore, May 2015.
- Sarveswaran, K. and Mahesan, S.: “Hierarchical Tag-set for Rule-based Processing of Tamil Language”, In proceeding of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA), p. 115. 2014.
- Jananie, A. and Sarveswaran, K.: “Hybrid Approach for Spell Checking of Tamil Language”, In Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPurse), Sri Lanka, Volume 18, p.401, 2014. [http://dlib.pdn.ac.lk/handle/1/4941]
- Jarachanthan, R. and Sarveswaran, K.: “A Systematic Approach for the Utilisation of Excess Hard Disk Memory of Personal Computers”, In Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPurse), Sri Lanka, Volume 18, p.402, 2014. [http://dlib.pdn.ac.lk/handle/1/4942]
- Shakila, S. and Sarveswaran, K.: “A Hierarchical Approach for Publishing an Electronic Calendar”, In Proceedings of the 21st Annual Sessions, Jaffna Science Association (JSA), Jaffna, p. 25, 2014.
- Randika, H.C., Martin, H.E., Sampath, D.M.R.R., Metihakwala, D.S., Sarveswaran, K., and Wijekoon, M. “Scalable Fault Tolerant Architecture for Complex Event Processing Systems”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer-2010), Colombo.
- Sarveswaran, K., Nanayakkara, S., Perera, P., Perera, A., and Fernando, S. “Challenges in developing MIS – Case from Government sector”, e-Asia 2009: Asia’s Premier ICT Event, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2009.
- Sarveswaran, K. and Dias, G. “Tamil Localization Process – A case study”, Tamil Internet Conference – 2009, Germany.
- Sarveswaran K. and Fernando, S. “Role Based Competency Modeling for e-Learning Content Development”, International Information Technology Conference (IITC) – 2008, Colombo.
- Sarveswaran K. and Ratnaweera D. “An Adaptive Technique for Tamil Handwritten Character Recognition”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent and Advanced Systems 2007, Malaysia.
- Sarveswaran K., Fernando M.S.D, and Perera G.I.U.S. “A Successful growth of the E-Learning System at University of Moratuwa”, ERU Symposium 2007, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2007.
- Balachandren G. and Sarveswaran K. “புலம்பெயர்வால் புலம்பெயரும் தமிழ்ப் பெயர்கள்”, 10th World Tamil Cultural Conference 2007, Malaysia.
- Author, Moodle Teacher Guide (In Tamil), University of Moratuwa publications, Sri Lanka. ISBN : 978-955-9027-28-7, 2008.
- Author, Moodle student Guide (In Tamil), University of Moratuwa publications, Sri Lanka. ISBN : 978-955-9027-29-4, 2008.
- Co-Author, Joomla! User Manual, University of Moratuwa publications, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 978-955-9027-25-6, 2008.
- Co-Author, Mozilla Firefox User Guide, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2008.
- Co-Author, Mozilla Thunderbird, University of Moratuwa publications, Sri Lanka, 2008.
- Member of the team which won the Digital Social Impact award at the e-Suwabhimani 2018 under the category of Government and Citizen Engagement.
- Won the Jury’s mention award for a Mobile App build as a part of a undergraduate project at the mBillionth-2016: Awards South Asia 2016 held in Delhi, India. August 2016. http://www.mbillionth.in/
- The winner of Best Solution Oriented Thesis Award – 2016 for ‘Consumer buying pattern analysis using an efficient approach’ by University Business Linkage Unit of the University of Jaffna. [Together with Nifras Ismail]
- The Winner of National Best e-Content award – 2016 for the ‘Right2Sight: A mobile app to help visually impaired people to use Mobile phone’ by the ICTA, Sri Lanka. http://www.eswabhimani.lk [Together with Samira Gayan]
- The winner of best oral presenter of the Modern Technology and Application track for the paper entitled “Hierarchical Tag-set for Rule-based Processing of Tamil Language”, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA), 2014
- Best oral presenter of the Modern Technology and Application award for the paper titled as: “Hierarchical Tag-set for Rule-based Processing of Tamil Language”, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA), 2014.
- Herz Fellowship from the Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, Germany (June 2023 – July 2024).
- International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) – U.S. Department of State’s premier professional exchange program, December 2019
Research Grants
- Google Research Grant to build a Sri Lankan Tamil Corpus (2024-2025).
- The German Academic Exchange Service-Sustainable Development Goals (DAAD-SDG) grant for the project “DigSAL: Addressing the Digital Divide for South Asian Languages,” in collaboration with the University of Konstanz, Germany, the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and the University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan (2024-2027).
- University of Jaffna research grant to acquire a high-performance computer for conducting Tamil language processing tasks. (2023)
- Microgrant from the University Business Linkage, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, to develop a Tamil intent classification for the e-commerce domain (2023).
- Received the Prof. V K Samaranayake Publication grant from LK Domain Registry, Sri Lanka to publish a paper at the International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), Singapore. December 11-13, 2021
- Secured a DAAD funding of 30,000 Euros with Prof. G. Dias and Prof. Miriam Butt to organise an International Summer School in Natural Language Engineering from 11-23 March, 2019. www.issale.lk
- Co-investigator of “Development of an early warning system, a risk map and a prediction model for dengue and establishment of role brackish water derived mosquitoes in dengue transmission in Jaffna district” under the research grant No. RPHS/2016/D02 obtained from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Sri Lanka for the period January 2017 – December 2019.
Travel Grants
- Mobility grant of 1,500 Euros per annum under DAAD-PPP from NSF to go to Germany in 2019 and 2020.
- Travel grant from LK Domain Registry to present a paper at the LFG-2019 conference, 8-10 July, 2019, ANU, Australia.
- A grant from CTC to present in a conference on “Redeveloping Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka” held in Toronto, Canada 15-17, January 2017
- DAAD grant to attend the International Summer School in Language Engineering held at UCSC, Colombo. 2014
- A grant from Mozilla Foundation to attend the Mozilla Summit 2013 held in California, USA.
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Grant – Received full financial support to attend Summer School in Advanced Language Engineering held in Nepal, 26th August – 21st September 2012, Nepal.