Guidelines for Preparing the Camera-Ready copy of the Abstract
- All abstracts must be written and submitted in English, using MS Word.
- Format:
Paper size | A4 |
Number of Pages | One |
Margins | Left margin 3.0 cm & all other (top, bottom and right) margins 2.5 cm |
Font | Times New Roman |
Font size | 12 font size |
Line spacing | Single |
Figures, tables and references should not be included in the abstract. |
- The abstract should contain the following:
- TITLE should be bold uppercase and centre aligned. There should be no line space above the title. One-line space should be left below the title.
- NAME/S OF AUTHOR/S should be in bold, lowercase letters (except initials and the first letter of the name/s) and centre aligned. Each initial should be followed by a full-stop without space. Presenter’s name should be underlined and the corresponding author’s name should be indicated by an asterisk at the end. One-line space should be left between the name/s and affiliation/s. Corresponding author’s email address should be indicated after the authors’ affiliations.
- AFFILIATION/S OF AUTHOR/S should be in italics, lowercase letters (with uppercase letters where necessary) and centre aligned. A two-line space should be left between affiliations and the body of the text.
- CONTENT OF THE ABSTRACT: should include Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions; should be written, within a single paragraph without sub-titles/sub-headings (the first line of the paragraph should not be indented) and justified.
- KEYWORDS: Maximum of 5 keywords should be included after the sub-title, `Keywords:’ placed at the end of the abstract. One-line space should be left above the keywords.
- ABBREVIATIONS: Should be cited in full at first occurrence, except for standard abbreviations