Guidelines for Preparing the Camera-Ready copy of the Abstract

  1. All abstracts must be written and submitted in English, using MS Word.
  2. Format:
Paper size A4
Number of Pages One
Margins Left margin 3.0 cm & all other (top, bottom and right) margins 2.5 cm
Font Times New Roman
Font size 12 font size
Line spacing Single
Figures, tables and references should not be included in the abstract.
  1. The abstract should contain the following:
    • TITLE should be bold uppercase and centre aligned. There should be no line space above the title. One-line space should be left below the title.
    • NAME/S OF AUTHOR/S should be in bold, lowercase letters (except initials and the first letter of the name/s) and centre aligned. Each initial should be followed by a full-stop without space. Presenter’s name should be underlined and the corresponding author’s name should be indicated by an asterisk at the end. One-line space should be left between the name/s and affiliation/s. Corresponding author’s email address should be indicated after the authors’ affiliations.
    • AFFILIATION/S OF AUTHOR/S should be in italics, lowercase letters (with uppercase letters where necessary) and centre aligned. A two-line space should be left between affiliations and the body of the text.
    • CONTENT OF THE ABSTRACT: should include Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions; should be written, within a single paragraph without sub-titles/sub-headings (the first line of the paragraph should not be indented) and justified.
  2. KEYWORDS: Maximum of 5 keywords should be included after the sub-title, `Keywords:’ placed at the end of the abstract. One-line space should be left above the keywords.
  3. ABBREVIATIONS: Should be cited in full at first occurrence, except for standard abbreviations