DR. Zhe Hou
Senior Lecturer
School of Information and Communication Technology
Griffith University
Queensland, Australia
Biographical Profile:
Zhe Hou obtained his PhD from the Australian National University. He has developed various automated reasoning techniques and tools for separation logic — a logic for reasoning about computer programs with pointers and other mutable data structures. In 2015 he joined Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, to undertake the project “Securify”, in which he developed formal models of the SPARCv8 instruction set architecture and TSO weak memory model, and verified information-flow security for the formal models. He joined Griffith University, Australia, in 2017 on a project to develop trusted autonomous systems and advanced model checking techniques in collaboration with Australia Defense Science and Technology. He became a faculty member at Griffith University in late 2019. His latest work includes applications of automated reasoning in eXplainable AI, cyber security and quantum computing.